Saturday, June 6, 2009

Probiotics; Healthy Digestion = Healty Immune System

Probiotics are preparations of live micro-organisms (usually including lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, streptococci, and some yeasts such as Saccharomyces, and moulds) which are believed to be beneficial to health by restoring microbial balance in the intestine.

Read the rest at this blog's new home....


  1. Any thoughts on Ethical Nutrients as a brand? This was professionally recommended to me. I have heard there are problems with the purity of some less expensive probiotic products.

    Also, I have some experience reacting better to acidophilus (or some strains thereof) than to bifidus (same brand). Any suggestions by way of explanation?

    Peter (katahdinme)

  2. Hi Peter,

    I have not had any experience with that brand, but I can tell you that I have used 4 different high quality brands from a natural health food and supplement store in my area, trying to address lower digestive problems that I have beeen having over the past year and a half. But within 24 hours of starting on VitaMark's ProBiotic, I was absolutely amazed at the difference. I'm no longer having any issues at all since starting those, taking 2 in the morning an hour before eating, and 2 before bedtime.

    I'm not sure why you would have better luck with one except that they do recommend that you have all of the ones in the mix that VitaMark's ProBiotic has, which as I said in my article, does adhere to the recommendations given for probiotics.

    Along with the SuperViGest which are taken prior to every meal, I also have no other digestive issues which I had been experiencing (lots of noise and gas after every meal and most of the night). You may want to try that, certainly let me know if you do what your experience is.

    I know you have a host of other issues, and I still think you should try at least one bottle of LimuPlus to see if those might be addressed in some way as well. I wish you the best in health!



Let me know what you think, I appreciate your input!