Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inflammation - Healing Reaction and Precursor to Chronic Disease

Inflammation is central to the body's ability to defend, maintain and repair itself. Its symptoms appear as redness, heat, swelling and pain, announcing a part of the body that is inflamed. Heat and redness are signs of blood rushing to the injured area. Swelling is from changes in the small blood vessels that allow plasma to seep into the tissues. Pain results from the release of compounds used by the immune system to draw defensive support to the injured area.

Read the rest at this blog's new home....


  1. What an interesting article! I have several family members who I am going to have to share this article with. Our family loves natural products since our little boy has dealt with severe allergies and Eczema, and we have really changed our ways in terms of chemicals. There is a cream that I am encouraging my loved-ones to start using called Topricin. It is fabulous! It's all natural and it helps with inflammation. I do not like relying on oral pain meds at all so this has been such a wonderful relief for my aches and pains...and hopefully this will help some of your readers who suffer from this as well.

  2. That's great you found a cream to address the symptoms your little boy has. The LimuPlus is something you may want to consider, as it has helped many people I know with their severe allergies as well as inflammatory conditions such as Eczema (the testimonials link on the LimuPlus page in the article above will amaze you at the power of this product in people's lives (I also have an article about it in this blog -


Let me know what you think, I appreciate your input!