Saturday, June 27, 2009

Water: How Much Do You Need to Drink?

Water comprises two thirds of the body's mass. It is the most necessary element for survival next to air.

Water is required for the elimination of toxins and waste through the lymph system, liver, digestive system, kidneys, and sweat glands. Deficiencies in water can result in excess body fat, poor muscle tone, digestive diseases, muscle pain, and water-retention.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Drugs and Their Effects on Your Nutrition

Did you know that most OTC and prescription drugs deplete, or disable your body from absorbing, essential nutrients? In this way, they are doing you more harm than good.

For example, aspirin inhibits the body's ability to absorb vitamin C, and can reduce the levels of iron and folic acid, causing anemia, and a compromised immune system.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Nitrates in Cured Meats: Not Nutrition!

We've all heard about chemicals such as nitrates in cured meats, but have you ever really looked into the real dangers associated with regular ingestion of this preservative? And did you know that it's used today more to maintain the traditional pink color we are used to seeing in meats like ham, hot dogs, and bacon?

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Probiotics; Healthy Digestion = Healty Immune System

Probiotics are preparations of live micro-organisms (usually including lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, streptococci, and some yeasts such as Saccharomyces, and moulds) which are believed to be beneficial to health by restoring microbial balance in the intestine.

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